奥斯卡的角逐分为两个阶段:提名前和提名后。与几部获今年最佳影片提名电影都有合作的莉亚·亚杜姆(Lea Yardum)告诉我:“第二阶段的重点就是打磨你的故事,在这场角逐中为自己找到独特定位。”虽然讲故事不一定会奏效,但好的叙事也许能挽救一部烂片。
Oscars campaigning has been around as long as there have been Oscars, but the modern playbook was invented by Harvey Weinstein in the late 1980s and early 90s. Weinstein demanded that actors clear their schedules for awards season and relentlessly lobbied academy members.
奥斯卡公关活动自该奖项诞生以来就一直存在,但这套现代公关策略的“现代兵法”是由哈维·韦恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)在20世纪80年代末、90年代初建立起来的。韦恩斯坦曾要求演员为颁奖季空出日程,并对学院成员进行不懈的游说。
“For Harvey, campaigning was a blood sport,“ Terry Press, who was then Spielbergs head of marketing at DreamWorks, told me.“Everybody wants to win. But Harvey wanted to win and kill everything else.“
曾在斯皮尔伯格的梦工厂担任营销主管的特里·普雷斯(Terry Press)告诉我:“对哈维来说,公关是一场‘猎杀活动’。所有人都想赢,但哈维不仅要自己赢,还想摧毁其他一切。”
“Winning awards has bee the guiding principle of our industry, and its whats destroying it,“ Amanda Lundberg, the chief executive of 42West, told me.
媒体公司42West的首席执行官阿曼达·伦德伯格(Amanda Lundberg)对我讲道:“赢得奖项已成为指导这个行业一切工作的原则,而这个原则也正在摧毁我们的行业。”